Money Assistance Colorado – Help paying bills, rent, loans & more

According to Poverty USA, Colorado is ranked number 16 in terms of poverty rates. With about 13 percent of their population living in poverty, Colorado sits better than most states, but still faces concerns with 17 percent of children living in poverty and over 8 percent of the elderly living in poverty. If you need financial help because your income isn’t covering your expenses, or you are currently unemployed, there are numerous assistance programs available.

Below are multiple ways to get financial help in Colorado. Services that include help paying bills, rent, food/groceries, personal loans, debt relief and as mentioned various government benefits and support agencies across Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora and all other cities in Colorado.

Social Security Loans (SSI)
Many residents living in Colorado collecting Social Security may qualify for more financial assistance through SSI. For those whose only income is Social Security and you are in need of a loan, there may be specialist lenders who will assist. Learn more about SSI and other social security loan options here.

Assistance with utilities: Colorado residents can get help with their utility programs through the Colorado Energy Office Weatherization Program. This service helps families save around 20 percent on their heating bills. You may also qualify for assistance through the LEAP (Low income Energy Assistance Program) which helps low income families pay utility bills. The services are typically available from late fall to mid spring.

Loan Assistance: Some financial situations require a quick cash injection, but getting the right loan can be difficult when on a low income. Visit our Additional Service & Resource section to learn about some reputable borrowing options.


Food Assistance: Residents who meet certain poverty level requirements may qualify for food assistance through the Colorado Food Assistance Program. The funds provided are for purchasing food items from stores that accept food stamps. In addition, students can qualify for assistance through the Colorado School Breakfast and Lunch Program which provides free or reduced charges to qualifying students. Women with children under five may also qualify for assistance through the Women, Infant, Children (WIC) program.

Rent and Mortgage: You can qualify for assistance through the Colorado Department of Housing. This Department helps fund the construction of new homes and repairing older homes. Residents can apply for assistance through several block grants including the Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grants, Housing Assistance and Recovery Program, Housing Development Grants and Housing Development Loan Funds. You must provide proof of income to qualify for these grants.

Medical Assistance: Residents can qualify for assistance with medical expenses through the state Medicaid Program and the Colorado Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). The CHP+ program is designed to provide affordable insurance for children under 18 and is designed for families who make too much to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford traditional insurance. Medicaid covers pregnant women, families with children, the elderly, disabled residents and very low income individuals. Residents can apply for assistance with food, medical and cash through the PEAK program.

Educational Assistance: In addition to assistance through the Federal Pell Grant Program, families may qualify for assistance through the Colorado Head Start Program. The Head Start Program is designed to help children from lower income families get an early start on education. The programs helps at risk students learn social, emotional and cognitive skills.

Community Action Centers: Residents can receive additional help applying for financial assistance through the Colorado Community Action Association and the Action Center. The services include assistance finding and preparing for a new job, as well as applying for grants and assistance. Residence can find quick access to food pantry information as well as emergency shelter options, health information and local charities.

Charities: According to a recent survey, Colorado ranks as the 12th most charitable state. With so many people admitting to providing donation or service throughout the year, there are plenty of options for individuals looking for assistance through individual programs. Some popular charities in Colorado include: A Child’s Song, Adam’s Camp and Accion. Residents can find more local charities through Colorado Gives. The website allows you to donate, participate or even start your own fundraiser in Colorado.


Learn more about free items and other money assistance services in Colorado, including: Free clothes, furniture, car, school accessories, help with fines, seasonal items & more!
The below services are in general and may not be available in Colorado. However, if not available, many may have partnerships with other organizations through out the state that they can connect you with.

Free Hotel or Motel Vouchers for the Homeless or Emergencies
Those experiencing hardship and are without a roof over their head can access different types of short and possibly longer term accommodation throughout Colorado. Learn more about accommodation assistance in here.

Dealing with tickets or fines
If you have unpaid tickers or fines, avoiding them will only create further financial and credit problems. Learn about ways to get assistance with dealing with fines in Colorado, from requesting a waiver or challenging inaccurate fines. Get the information you need to tackle fines here.

How to get a free laptop or computer
Low income families have a range of organizations that provide free technology assistance such as computers and laptops throughout the country including HColorado. Learn about what free computers and laptop organizations are near you and how to apply here.

Getting a free or low cost car
At any given time there are different organizations that assist low income earners with transportation. Across the country and in Colorado there are different services that assist people with getting a vehicle. Learn more about free cars, how to get one and where to apply.

How to get free gas for emergencies
Gas prices in Colorado like most of the country are extremely high. This can put serious strain on the family budget. For those dealing with cashflow issues and finding it hard to put fuel in the car, there is help. Learn how to get free gas for emergencies through free gas vouchers.